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Imprints series  (2018-2021)

In this body of work I explore the materiality of paper, as a skin able to activate what has been silenced over time. I am interested in the closeness of my body, from the process involved in papermaking to the tactile and haptic experience of capturing topographies of the obsolete.

This series of imprints came from different houses and historical sites in ruins or abandoned in Colombia.


Series de improntas (2018-2021)

En este cuerpo de trabajo exploro la materialidad del papel, como piel capaz de activar lo que ha sido silenciado en el tiempo. Estoy interesada en la proximidad de mi cuerpo desde el proceso de hacer papel hasta la experiencia táctil y háptica de capturar topografías de lo obsoleto.

Las improntas vienen de diferentes casas y lugares históricos en Colombia en estado de ruina o abandono.



Kozo Handmade paper and rust. Imprints captured from old domestic spaces in Bogotá.




Kozo Handmade paper and rust. Imprints captured from ruins and objects in stages of obsolescence  at Hospital San Juan de Dios in Bogotá, a historic public hospital  founded in 1723.

© 2022  Vanessa Nieto Romero. All rights reserved
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